About the Logophilia Latin Lessons Programme 2

Did you know that while Greek is the language of Science, Latin is the language of everything! If English is the world’s largest language, sitting bossily at 1 million words, Latin accounts for 58% of these words (29% directly, and 29% through its daughter → French). Does this mean you need to learn Latin as a language? No. Just Latin roots that have crept into the English language. Logophilia Latin Lessons (LLL) 2 is the second oldest Logophilia workshop. Launched in October, 2021, LLL brings together upwards of 500 Latin roots in English, arranged into subject categories. Students who study Latin roots would find it significantly easy to read the following subjects ↓ The Natural Sciences; The Social Sciences; Language & Literature.

Course Requirements & Eligibility

Anyone who understands functional English, & is more than 12 years of age, can join this programme. You don't need any prior experience with Vocabulary training.

Course curriculum

    1. Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 - Day #1

    1. The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 - Day #2

    2. Your Recognition Assessment - Ongoing

    3. LLL 2 | Vocabulary Assessment #1 | Art & Learning

    1. The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 - Day #3

    1. The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 - Day #4

    1. The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 - Day #5

    1. The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 - Day #6

About this course

  • ₹4,720.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 49.5 hours of video content
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Certificate of Merit (on-request)
  • 30-days on-demand access

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  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

How Will You Gain from this Course?

Studying with Logophilia is an experience that comes with multiple takeaways! Once you are done, do tell us the sequence in which these came about for you!

  • You will learn how to unlock more than 80,000+ words.

  • You will learn terminology from at least 20 different subjects, making you an interdisciplinary learner.

  • You will learn 500+ roots from Latin and more!

  • You will be able to pronounce better (for these, and related words).

  • Your recall will improve. So, no more, “Umm, what was that word”?

  • You will be able to derive definitions by simply breaking up words. Your dependence on dictionaries and textbooks will decrease dramatically!

  • You will find coaching and preparatory classes to be redundant, and quite frankly, insulting.

Learn Latin Now →

The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 Programme is the latest and most fascinating programme! It is finally available online for you to grab! This is a great place for you to become a super-student! We’re thrilled to see you here!

Who is Going to be Teaching you

Dhruv Raj Sharma, Founder & CEO, Logophilia

Dhruv is the Chief Facilitator at Logophilia and the only Etymology Educator anywhere. He is an accomplished public speaker, with two TEDx Talks and addresses at the Jaipur Literature Festival & the Reimagine Education Conferences at Philadelphia (2017) & London (2019). In addition to being the pioneer of Etymology Education in the world, Dhruv is the founder of the Logophilia Public Speaking Programme (estd. 2002) Academically, he has unique qualifications in Psycholinguistics, and in Ancient Classical Latin Vocabulary. His Master's degrees in Applied Psychology and Cognitive Science lend a strong academic rigour to his approach to English Etymology facilitation. On the other hand, his extensive experience in the counselling of adolescents and young adults does wonders to his handling of young learning minds, making him a powerful, yet a very sensitive, facilitator. While a trained psychologist by training, Dhruv's expertise lies in facilitating experiential programmes in English Vocabulary, English Pronunciation, & in his life-coaching through the Public Speaking Programme. His classrooms are powerful in impact, and are known to never have a dull moment.
Dhruv Raj Sharma, CEO, Logophilia

Learn Latin Now →

The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 Programme is the latest and most fascinating programme! It is finally available online for you to grab! This is a great place for you to become a super-student! We’re thrilled to see you here!

For whom is this Course designed?

Is Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 the right programme for you?

The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 programme will be a life-altering experience for anyone who ↓

◾️ Has studied the Fundamental Etymology Workshop.

◾️ Wants to get very confident about their understanding of English Vocabulary. 

◾️ Wants to not worry about forgetting what they read.

◾️ Wants to be able to smile their way through exams.

◾️ Wants to learn the art of studying in a deep manner, as opposed to shallow rote-memorising.

◾️ Wants to be able to apply what they learn, and not just study for exams.

◾️ Wants to never have doubts in spelling.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not in this list, please call us at +91 7800300018

  • I have not studied FEW. Can I still enrol?

    Technically, yes. Ideally, no. And, Logophilia will reserve the final call on this matter. If we feel that you're eligible to do LLL before you do FEW, we'll take you in.

  • What shall I learn?

    Specifically → The science of making & breaking Latin words in English, without a dictionary. Effectively → The art of studying without memorising.

  • What shall I not learn?

    1. Spoken English 2. English grammar. 3. Latin grammar. This is a Vocabulary programme.

  • Will my spelling & pronunciation ability improve?

    Yes, & yes!

  • Will my studying ability improve?


  • Why do I need to study Vocabulary?

    Because without good vocabulary, you can't study; you can only memorise for exams.

  • Will I get a certificate?

    Yes. Once you have completed the programme, please write to [email protected] with the subject line: Please issue my Logophilia Online Certificate | LLL, to get your official Logophilia Certificate of Completion. In order to claim the LLL Merit Certificate, you can write to us requesting the way ahead.

  • How much time do I need to spend studying with Logophilia everyday?

    If you're signing up for a live LLL event, your daily duration will be 2.5 - 3 hours. Otherwise, this is a self-paced programme. You get to decide the pace at which you want to study.

  • What do I do if I have a query?

    For academic questions, use the "Discuss" feature in this platform to submit your question. We will revert in detail soon. For other questions, please find @logophiliaeducation on Instagram, or write to us at [email protected].

Learn Latin Now →

The Logophilia Latin Lessons 2 Programme is the latest and most fascinating programme! It is finally available online for you to grab! This is a great place for you to become a super-student! We’re thrilled to see you here!

Want to get ALL of Logophilia Etymology Programmes?

Wondering if you can study all Logophilia Etymology programmes? It's called the Logophilia English Diploma, and for the first time in the history of Logophilia, it's available online! You'll get all 14 Vocabulary Programmes + the only Etymology-based Pronunciation Programme in the world - the Logophilia Pronunciation Programme.

Click below to view details about the most comprehensive programme bundle in Logophilia! ↓
The Logophilia English Diploma Cover

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You can get 25% OFF on the Logophilia Latin Lessons Book if you place your order with this programme. Write to us at [email protected] to ask us for your Latin Lessons Book coupon code.